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2016 - 2017 Degree List

2016 - 2017 Degrees & Certificates

Scroll the list of programs below to see the degrees and certificates offered in each area. If you enroll and declare your major during the 2016-2017 academic year (fall 2016 - spring 2017), then your degree plan will be based on the degree/certificate you choose below. Keep in mind that degree and certificate options may change from year to year.

Don't Forget to Look Over Your Degree Plan!

Each degree/certificate document below contains a degree plan. This course sequence is your pathway to graduation. While many factors can affect your path, we hope this guide will accelerate your progress by promoting early declaration of your major in order to streamline the course selection process and provide common ground for discussions with your advisor/academic counselor.

Skills Certificates (SC)

Please contact the listed academic program for information on these certificates: