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Pretty good scholarship opportunity here, everyone. Deadline is Dec. 18. Don't turn away free money.


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OK, so you know the history behind Thanksgiving – but do you know the story behind Family Day? This state holiday, which fortuitously comes the day after Thanksgiving, allows many Nevadans to spend four days digesting turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. But it’s about more than that! We asked CSN History Professor Dr. Sondra Cosgrove for more information. She explained that Nevada has been celebrating Family Day on the Friday after Thanksgiving since 2013 after Governor Brian Sandoval signed a proclamation establishing the holiday in 2012 and the Legislature established the official day in 2013. The idea came from Casa Columbia, a non-profit founded in 1992 by former U.S. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Joseph A. Califano Jr. Family Day was first recognized nationally in 2001 with a presidential declaration from President George W. Bush. Casa Columbia focuses on studying adolescent substance abuse and devising science-based solutions for treating substance abuse and addiction. The organization notes that many empirical studies show that substance abuse is likely to start during the adolescent and early adulthood years and can be exacerbated by a wide variety of teenage life-events. Mental health problems, stress due to peer-pressure, changing hormones that impact physical and psychological well-being, and just natural rebelliousness are all more prevalent in teenagers and young adults and can all lead to addictive behaviors. To help teenagers avoid the physical damage associated with substance abuse and addiction Casa Columbia encourages parents to set aside time every day to talk to their children. Research shows that children are less likely to seek out addictive substances if they know there is time to share concerns and receive help from a trusted adult. Because of this, Nevada Governor Sandoval and Honorary Chair of Family Day First Lady Kathleen Sandoval encourage all Nevada families to take time on Friday November 27th to spend a meal together establishing the types of bonds and ties that make families stronger and children more immune to the dangers of substance abuse. You can read more about Casa Columbia and Family Day at:

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