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Applied Psychology: Mental Health Services, CA

The Applied Psychology certificate offers an introduction into general education requirements, and courses to assist with direct service provision of quality mental health and other community services.  The certificate is designed to prepare students for direct service careers in a variety of public, non-profit, or private mental health or community service organizations.  The certificate offers students opportunities for practical application of learning within an academic framework applying ethical standards.

  • Department of Human Behavior
  • Student Learning Outcomes credits


Forensic Anthropology, CA

The Forensic Anthropology certificate program provides a foundation in the biological, social, and applied components of forensic activities in which anthropologists engage. The certificate program is designed to prepare students for a variety of pathways leading to careers in forensic anthropology at local and national levels. The program offers students opportunities for practical application of learning within an academic framework.

  • Department of Human Behavior
  • Student Learning Outcomes credits


Applied Psychology: Mental Health Services, AAS

The Applied Psychology degree offers required general education courses and a broad foundation in direct service provision of quality mental health and other community services.  The degree program is interdisciplinary in nature and is designed to prepare students for direct service careers in a variety of public, non-profit, or private mental health or community service organizations.  The program offers students opportunities for practical application of learning within an academic framework applying ethical standards.

  • Department of Human Behavior
  • Student Learning Outcomes credits


Cultural Resource Management, CA

Cultural resource management (CRM) is the practice of preserving cultural resources through the use of archaeological methods of survey, data collection, excavation, laboratory analysis and curation of cultural materials (artifacts), monitoring sensitive sites and public outreach. CRM archaeologists work with state and federal agencies, museums, and with private firms to ensure compliance with federal and state laws that protect cultural resources on federal and public land. The program is designed to prepare students by teaching them the skills required to obtain employment as entry-level archaeological technicians working in the field, in labs, and for museums.

  • Department of Human Behavior
  • Student Learning Outcomes credits



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