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CSN Email

Upgraded features and functionality. Increased stability and security. Fifty gigabytes of email storage for students and 100GB for faculty and staff! Room for over 25,000 emails! Five licenses of Microsoft Office you can work in online or

Discover CSN

In this section. In this section. We invite you to come discover all the interesting, innovative and outright fun aspects of the College of Southern Nevada. Did you know you can enjoy a gourmet meal cooked and served by our students for an amazing


In this section. In this section. Our administration consists of a diverse group of academic and non-academic professionals dedicated to supporting all CSN students, faculty, and staff. Resource Development. Faculty and Academic Support. Faculty

Types of Aid

Grants. College Work Study. Scholarships. Loans. Grants. GRANT AID. If you are looking for financial assistance to further your education, you first need to understand the difference between scholarships and financial aid, both available through

Administrative Faculty Luncheon

You are cordially invited to attend the 2019 Administrative Faculty Luncheon! The administrative faculty at College of Southern Nevada play an integral role in the success of our faculty, staff, students and the college community as a whole. Day in

Safe Zone

Diversity Initiatives. Welcome to the CSN Safe Zone website! The CSN Safe Zone Program is designed to promote a more welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment for members of the LGBTQ communities and to educate and promote understanding,


Jumpstart Concurrent Enrollment Program

The Jumpstart Concurrent Enrollment Program partners with local high schools to allow freshman, sophomore, junior, senior high school students to enroll in college-level courses at a reduced fee to "jumpstart" their college careers. Classes are held


Note: The Planetarium is open to visitors again. You can make reservations by calling 702-651-4505 or through our online reservation system. Reservations are not required, but each guest will be required to sign in with contact information. This


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