IR Data Dashboards

Welcome to the CSN data dashboard page! This site houses publicly available interactive reports (a.k.a. data dashboards) created to support institutional decision making. Each report has its own set of visualizations and filters that can be manipulated to "dig into the data". Internal Dashboards require staff to be added to the ‘CSN Institutional Research Data Portal’ MS Group. Links to internal dashboards will take you to the MS Teams app where you can view the dashboard. CSN Faculty and Staff can email to request membership in the group.


Enrollment Management

  • Spring 2025 Daily Enrollment Update Dashboard (Login Required)
    • *We have recently overhauled what was formerly called the “Scheduling Dashboard”. The new dashboard removes suspected ghost students from headcounts and corrects other data issues found in the scheduling dashboard. The link to the old dashboard will be decommissioned at the end of February. Please update your bookmarks.

Historical Enrollment

Student Success

  • Historical Completion Dashboard (Login Required)
  • Course Completion Dashboard – Coming soon
  • FTIC Success Dashboard – Coming Soon
  • Transfer Success Dashboard – Coming Soon

Financial Aid Dashboards

  • Coming Soon


Legacy Dashboards – These Dashboards will no longer be available after February 28th. The data in these dashboards should be interpreted carefully as they contain data errors that are being corrected in the newer dashboards.