Other Proctoring Services
Exams from other Institutions.
The Testing Center proctor many tests from other colleges or institutions offering distance learning. This service is provided at the request of their students. Each test is administered on an individual basis under the conditions set forth by the institution. The student is required to pay a proctoring fee and set an appointment through RegisterBlast: www.csn.edu/testing-appointments.
The student/candidate should contact their institution before making an appointment to ensure the exam/test is sent to the Testing Center location they wish to test.
High School Equivalency
GED is a program of the American Council on Education, a private, not-for-profit education association. The GED test reflects the knowledge of graduating seniors obtained after completing a traditional 4-year program of study.
The GED is offered through Pearson Vue in English and Spanish at each main campus. Registration and payment are through the GED website: www.GED.com.
The complete battery of GED tests is approximately 8 hours long. There are four sections: Language Arts: Reading and Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Each part of the exam can be scheduled on different days or in a single long session. If you take more than one section, a ten (10) minute break will be allotted between each part of the exams.
Reports reflecting their scores will be available through www.GED.com, usually within 24 hours. Those candidates achieving a passing score will receive a GED certificate sent via www.diplomasender.com.
Official Transcripts can be requested through www.diplomasender.com.
If you need to retake a GED® test subject, you are given two subsequent retests that you can schedule at any time. If you don’t pass within your first 3 attempts, you’ll need to wait 60 days for your next attempt and between every attempt thereafter.
Who can take the GED?
- Individuals 16 years of age or older can register to take the GED. However, interested 16 years old must gain approval from the CCSD to take the exam.
- Anyone 18 or older may register for the GED as long as they do not possess or will not gain a valid High School Diploma.
- Candidates, 17 years of age will need to have a current withdrawal or official statement from CCSD of non-enrollment and a parent or guardian's written permission.
A current Government-issued photo ID and proof of Nevada residency are required at the time of testing.
Acceptable identification: (must be present)
- Driver's license/State ID
- Valid passport
- Military ID
An unexpired government-issued ID from another state may be used in conjunction with proof of local address (i.e. utility bill showing candidates name and local address).
Career Exploration Tests
The WOWI is designed to measure individuals' uniqueness related to specific job tasks, worker trait characteristics, and desired lifestyle. Using a scientifically developed assessment encompasses three main sections: Career Interest, Aptitudes, and Work Styles.
The WOWI takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete.
You may take the WOWI at the Testing Center or home. Please contact the Testing Center for more information.
These exams encompass a combination of tests that identify interest and personality preferences for use in career exploration. This is a computer-based test that is available online and can be taken at one of the main Assessment/ Testing Centers or from the comfort of your home.
You may take the SII and MBTI at the Testing Center or home. Please contact the Testing Center for more information.
Please note: The CSN does not interpret either the WOWI or SII/MBTI through our advisors/councilors. Although the results may be read personally, interested students will need to find an interpreter, if desired/needed.
The CLEP enables nontraditional and traditional students the ability to earn college credit solely by examination. Underlying the core program believes that the future calls for more education for all citizens; flexibility, innovation, and independent study are essential. What a person knows is more important than how they came to it; thereby, academic credit by examination is one key to a more flexible and successful education system.
The CLEP test is a timed computer-based test offered for some entry-level degree courses. Contact the appropriate institution for their CLEP score requirements.
Successful CLEP scores may earn 3, 6, or 8 credits depending on the rating and the institution's policies. For CSN, please visit the current Student handbook online for the latest cut scores.
The CLEP is administered daily at the main Assessment/ Testing Centers. Candidates may reserve a computer for a specific day and time by setting up an appointment and pre-paying the service through RegisterBlast: www.csn.edu/testing-appointments.
DANTES funds CLEP exams, so please see your Veteran's Affairs for more information. The DANTES does not cover the candidate's proctor fee.
The DSST test is a nationally recognized testing program that allows individuals to earn college credit by testing for knowledge acquired outside the traditional college classroom. The DSST test is given on an individual basis. DSST tests are offered for some upper-division courses. Contact the appropriate institution for their DSST requirements. For more information about DSST testing, you may go to www.getcollegecredit.com.
DANTES funds DSST exams, so please see your Veteran's Affairs for more information . The DANTES does not cover the candidate's proctor fee.
Note: CSN does not accept DSST exams for credit.
Specialized Tests
Available at West Charleston only.
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is a computer-based diagnostic test instrument used to assess students' preparedness to apply to enter the health science field. The test is currently used to evaluate prospective students for CSN Health Science Limited Entry (LE) Programs
For more information, go to our TEAS information page: http://www.csn.edu/csn-teas.
Available at North Las Vegas Only.
CSN provides Testing Services for those seeking to take Meazure Learning Assessments, the North Las Vegas campus Testing Center is a certified Meazure Learning location.
- To Register for the exams candidates will need to register with Meazure Learning.
- Go to https://www.meazurelearning.com/ and within the Candidate-Services you will be able to access the Testing Programs.
- Payments and Registration is directly through the Meazure Learning site.
Available at West Charleston only.
The Allied Health Dept. and Nursing Dept. use the NLN pilot exam to determine the eligibility of previously taken courses beyond the required timeframe. Please seek out the Dept. for more information on how to be granted access to these exams.
Available at Henderson Campus only.
The Typing Certificate records the speed and accuracy of your typing for various job opportunities.
Registration is through RegisterBlast: www.csn.edu/testing-appointments and select Henderson.